This is quickly dealt with, using the power of friendship. That was kind of cool… I guess? There weren’t any major realizations at the end of the second arc, besides Trunks questioning himself and wondering if he should quit the Time Patrol.
The main timeline difference in the second arc is the inclusion of various movie villains, such as Broly and Janemba, to aid Goku Black and Zamasu. I think it would have been cool if it was a new character, possibly a tease for the eventual XENOVERSE 3, which we all know they’re going to make in the future. It ultimately ended up being Zamasu, although it sounded more like he was just aware of what the Time Patrollers were doing, rather than actively controlling time or something. The first arc teases a connection to the second, with Trunks stating that someone else may have interfered with the timeline.

The plot of both involves a disturbance in the timeline, with Goku being late to the tournament to kick things off. The first one covered the “Universe 6 Tournament” arc and the second one on the “Future Trunks/Goku Black” arc. To me, those additions were almost more exciting than the new DLC characters, mainly because they were stuff that should have been included anyway.īesides the characters, the big piece of DLC was the extra story missions, which there are currently two “Arcs” so-to-speak. There were also additions to existing characters, such as a version of Super Saiyan Blue Goku that includes SSB Kaioken. Besides him, I was the most curious about Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black and Zamasu. He is a good choice, but I was hoping for more. At this point (it’ll make sense near the end of this post) the only non- Super character released was Bojack from the ninth film. At the same time, as a hardcore fan, I love seeing anybody and everybody in the Dragon Ball universe. Obviously, Namco would take a lot from Dragon Ball Super, which I think was a good move. The character choices were mostly logical. Mechanic-wise, the DLC doesn’t add anything that wasn’t already changed in the patches, but if you’ve never played XENOVERSE 2 then it might be more interesting to read if you know about the game at its basic version. In the review, I cover the basics and my general experience playing the game on my PS4. Of course, before reading onward, it may be a good idea to watch my video review of the regular XENOVERSE 2 game.